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Our Editorial Policy

As far as our publishing is concerned, we support research in the Arts, Letters, Science and Technology. We are keen on the works of Youths and women, and assist them by having their works published.


The absence of a reading culture in our communities remains disturbing. While accompanying emerging and accomplished writers in the publication of their manuscripts, we are very much interested in the contents of their works. 


We look forward to working towards the emergence of Africa. Research is paramount as far as our development is concerned. Nyaa Publishers is committed to the cause of promoting research by having credible findings by our researchers published. Regular organization of conferences, publication of well-researched articles and books, and encouragement of outstanding writers and researchers remain a continuous exercise by Nyaa Publishers to promote and sustain intellectual development in Africa and beyond. The publication of quality books and supplying them within and beyond our continental borders is a task that we incessantly strive to accomplish. 

The ideals of good governance constitute another dimension of our publishing policy. These ideals include peace, transparency, accountability, respect for human rights, tolerance, and democracy amongst others. Writers or researchers who effectively grapple with any of these ideals in their works will always have their manuscripts paid keen attention to in our publishing company.


The Agricultural sector is indeed a sector that holds the key to Africa’s emergence. When talking about Agriculture, our emphasis is on Second Generation Agriculture. Embarking on the production and transformation of our agro products is a venture that Nyaa & Partners throws her full weight on. Our publishing department remains committed to its mission to encourage and support research in this sector. Investment and research in agro-forestry, agro-chemicals, agro-technology and education on the benefits of social entrepreneurship also constitute our areas of interest. 


Christian literature is yet another line of publishing we continue to invest in. Being a Christian publishing house, we support content that propagates the gospel of Jesus Christ. We welcome research in Christian Theology and also accompany Bible Scholars and other researchers in related disciplines in the publication of their works. The spread of the gospel to the ends of the world is a mission that we continue to invest in because we believe that the world needs God-fearing people or committed Christians to positively impact it in this age.


Although Nyaa & Partners is headquartered in Africa, precisely in Cameroon, we continue to receive and heartily welcome manuscripts from writers and researchers from all parts of the world. We remain objective and scientific in our treatment of content and data, with the hope of publishing only works that will contribute to the healthy and moral development of the world’s people. 

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